Zoological Wildlife Foundationのインスタグラム(zwfmiami) - 7月21日 14時15分

Happy Birthday Igor???? you are now six years young! I'm sure you know that aside from the love and passion and friendship that you and I have, you have many many people that love you very very much. As well as a fan club of thousands that have met you and will never forget you because you are so special, charismatic and handsome. Plus many have grown fond of you simply from seeing you on the media. You are my best friend. Since the first day I set eyes on you, I knew that you and I would be together until the very end. I thank the higher powers that may be for bringing you into my life almost 4 years ago???
For those who have met him… If you have any photos that you may have taken during your visit, please send them to me via DM. I will be posting him the entire day. Or please post them on your galleries and tag us as well as his own personal Instagram that was recently opened and is gaining many followers each day @igorzwf please follow him?
#gsd #k9 #bestfriend #topdog #igor #zwf #mypassion


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