キャメロン・モナガンのインスタグラム(cameronmonaghan) - 7月9日 05時43分

It has been brought to my attention that I have reached 500k followers. First of all, thank you. It feels pretty cool to say I have half-of-a-million people supporting me and making it possible to pursue my dream job.
Social media is not reality, it does not represent one’s value or talent, nor even marketability, truly. Oftentimes a reflection of its users’ vanity, it can be a twisted mirror we impose on the world which reflects what we want it to, our most ‘desirable’ traits whilst supressing the rest of our lives, that part which makes us human. Furthermore, the number of followers we have is just that: A number. Arbitrary. Intangible. But perhaps not without value.

I look at this number and I try to imagine the individual in each. Five-hundred-thousand stories with five-hundred-thousand main characters. People from Turkey, China, Russia, Italy, all over. People who have joked, desired, fought. Lives filled with comedy, tragedy, love, loss. And as I imagine these stories, I am overwhelmed and humbled.

If I can ask one thing of each of these people, it is to do at least one kind thing today. Give food to a homeless man, donate to an animal charity, help a stranger carrying something heavy, anything! And above all else, tell someone you love them. Because the world needs love right now. It needs it every day.

Thanks all of you who read this.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
