ショウン・ロスのインスタグラム(shaunross) - 7月6日 10時40分

When I first started in this industry I understood It was going to be a hard task to create a path in a world where an idea like myself wasn't accepted. Journalist always wondered would the world of fashion and entertainment become more accepting of people with disabilities such as albinism due to its lack of diversity at the time. Here we are years later and more men with albinism have either entered this world and understood their beauty enough to show I the world and display it enough to change the way others may think but what I find very hard to deal with is the fact that when people look at us they think we all look alike. Now I'm not sound like the person who says " look at him and look at me" but I am the person to say look at me and then look at him because we are all beautiful and share many different talents that should never be alienated because all that is seen is our skin. I hope by looking at this post of men with albinism you will see that none of us look alike and none of us are the same. We are special in our own way and that should always accounted for ❤️ #inmyskiniwin #albinism


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