goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 7月2日 10時08分

Featured Photographer: @jesseme93 #?
About The Shot:
I’ve lived in #Destin, Florida for 16 years and don’t regret a single day. Every time I go out to take a dive into the #GulfOfMexico I’m never disappointed. Sometimes, when I’m submerged, I think I’m in a pool rather than the ocean. The water can get so clear on days that you can see everything around you for hundreds of feet away.
How The Shot Was Captured:
This was a shot I took while shooting a documentary film series about my hometown, entitled: A Day in Destin. This was the first shot for the episode featuring my friend @DivinDanny. It was early in the morning and the sun had just popped above the horizon, we didn’t realize how lucky we were until we submerged under the ocean and saw how crystal clear everything was! #ADayInDestin #Destin #GoPro #InstaBeach #exploremore


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