イネス・リグロンのインスタグラム(inesligron) - 6月18日 00時32分

I posted this picture while transiting in Chicago. Someone pointed out that i did not comment regarding the shooting in Orlando, which is a good point... I did not comment on my public social media but i did on my private Facebook page... I was shocked by the news when i took this newspaper at the lounge.
Obviously I did not know the entire story when i posted this picture... Now knowing the facts my only honest point would be that i feel sorry to know that still many people are gay but that they try to stay "in the closet" and that it only generate frustration and anger.... The shooter was clearly in the closet and he used a religion to justify his act...Also do not be fooled... There are billion Muslim people around the world and those who make the headlines are just plain ignorants and criminals, it has nothing to do with Islam.
And to us with a gay friend or a family member in the closet, it is our duty to help him or her accept his or her difference because there is nothing wrong with being gay.
Hard to explain so much feeling with one finger typing on a small screen on my iphone, but this is my opinion. I hope that i will not offend anyone... Love, ines


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