The Dogistのインスタグラム(thedogist) - 6月15日 02時48分

The War Dog Memorial, Hartsdale Pet Cemetery, Hartsdale, NY • "This was put up after World War I. Notice how it just says 'The World War' – at the time no one knew there was going to be a second one. There's a canteen on the memorial because these dogs were trained to bring wounded soldiers canteens of water. This was significant for two reasons: the soldier would get water that helped him stay alive, but the canteen was also a symbol for the EMTs that that soldier was more likely to survive than soldiers without, and therefore should be attended to first. We still have handlers from previous wars come here and cry. They are heartbroken because, up until recently, they had to leave these dogs on the battlefield. They saved their lives and they couldn't take them home." @hartsdalepetcem


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