宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 6月11日 14時56分

【Mamo★Dise Request Corner! No.81】 こんにちはー 昨日たくさんのリクエストいただきましたので、今日は全部載せます!😊💕 先ずは、マモの 「TRANSFORM」 のパフォーマンス!リクエストありがとうね、@kazlovsanime 💞この曲めっちゃ好きです!本当にいい曲だと思います 😁 特に、「Spellbound~」 のとき、マモの歌声最高でした!カッコよすぎるー!💘 Hello again! Hehe. Today we will be continuing on with the requests so sit back, relax and enjoy! ✌🏻️😊 This request was from @kazlovsanime for Mamo-chan's 「TRANSFORM」 performance from 「GENERATING!」 so here it is! 💖 And of course I had to choose the best part from it too hahaha. 😂 I thought that it was so brilliant of them to partially strip Mamo during the "Look at the new me" line.. and then have Mamo unzip his outfit even further during "Wild and sexy~".. everything was just so perfect and fitting! 😁💞 Anyway remember if you have a request too, it doesn't matter if it's from this live or not.. just send them my way okay? 😊 #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #マモちゃん #声優 #seiyuu #mamodiserequestcorner


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