A note about my day yesterday. My dear friend snapped this picture with me when we were at our poll site trying to cast our votes in the primary election that I have been so vocal about. Take a closer look at top lefthand corner of the top page. Notice that this roll was last run/updated on 5/3/16. I have been doing my best to register new voters across CA since 5/5/16. Registration ended 5/23/16. In this particular precinct, none of those who registered after 5/3/16 had their votes counted last night. They were forced to accept provisional ballots because of their names missing from the outdated rolls.Their provisional ballots won't be counted or confirmed for another 28 days. I am sure they are not alone. We spent five hours trying to get an updated roll sent to the poll site so that people could get Democratic Party Ballots. On hold for two hours with county registrar. After hours and hours, updated rolls finally arrived, but they were from other precincts. A "mistake". Certainly not helpful. More phone calls. More waiting. More voters handed votes that wouldn't count last night. Don't care who your candidate was/is, voter suppression is despicable. Unacceptable. I worked incredibly hard to rock the vote... I have met with thousands of young voters registering for their first election cycle because they are excited about being involved and having a voice. And this is what they encountered? Well, I won't forget it. Discouraging. Heart breaking. It's not about "winning" or "losing" - this is about the sad state of our Political process. We all need to wake up. Votes matter. Voices matter. It's on all of us to fix it. I'm not so discouraged that I will retreat. We must say something. Do something. If you don't stand up now, you wouldn't have stood up then. #StandUp #VoterSuppression #MakeOurVotesCount

maxcarverさん(@maxcarver)が投稿した動画 -

マックス・カーバーのインスタグラム(maxcarver) - 6月9日 03時26分

A note about my day yesterday. My dear friend snapped this picture with me when we were at our poll site trying to cast our votes in the primary election that I have been so vocal about. Take a closer look at top lefthand corner of the top page. Notice that this roll was last run/updated on 5/3/16. I have been doing my best to register new voters across CA since 5/5/16. Registration ended 5/23/16. In this particular precinct, none of those who registered after 5/3/16 had their votes counted last night. They were forced to accept provisional ballots because of their names missing from the outdated rolls.Their provisional ballots won't be counted or confirmed for another 28 days. I am sure they are not alone. We spent five hours trying to get an updated roll sent to the poll site so that people could get Democratic Party Ballots. On hold for two hours with county registrar. After hours and hours, updated rolls finally arrived, but they were from other precincts. A "mistake". Certainly not helpful. More phone calls. More waiting. More voters handed votes that wouldn't count last night. Don't care who your candidate was/is, voter suppression is despicable. Unacceptable. I worked incredibly hard to rock the vote... I have met with thousands of young voters registering for their first election cycle because they are excited about being involved and having a voice. And this is what they encountered? Well, I won't forget it. Discouraging. Heart breaking. It's not about "winning" or "losing" - this is about the sad state of our Political process. We all need to wake up. Votes matter. Voices matter. It's on all of us to fix it. I'm not so discouraged that I will retreat. We must say something. Do something. If you don't stand up now, you wouldn't have stood up then. #StandUp #VoterSuppression #MakeOurVotesCount


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