タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 5月28日 06時02分

Don't think I forgot about you @whois_ymkidd! What religion are those jeans? Wait those aren't even jeans! They're a soft cotton yarn blend! You made a pair of pants out of your little sisters blanky! Stop it tank!!..lol. That shirt bro!! 9 bandanas begging to be free to go back to the swap meet! I'm sure you have table cloths to match!! Stop Tank!! NO!! The jordans were definitely ordered online and that watch is a bowflex not a Rolex!! But let's get to the good shit!! The Sword!!! Yes!!! You should definitely take that MUTHUFUKA and kill yoself for wearing the outfit!! Burn it and you at the same time!! I'm only saying all of this because I got love for you and I want to see you do better!..lmao ?????. #TankGotJokes #DontComeForMeEver #TheGeneral #OfficerPetty


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