I told you several months ago that this guy, Saul Colin, is a Mexican Hero. He is known to be as one of the most implacable officers for @profepa_mx Criminals are super scared of him. He has been fighting for years and years to save our Planet and six months ago, he was transferred to Baja California, and after months of investigation he fired the second in command of the state, a guy called Antonio Jesus Diaz Rondero, for being a lazy liar good for nothing trickster that compromised the safety of our Planet. Including faking to patrol areas letting poachers roam freely and also allowing ilegal deforestation of the state. This is why I tell you that @profepa_mx and @semarnat_mx do an incredible job defending our heritage. You have all my respect Saul Colin. Thank you... Les dije hace varios meses que Saul Colin era un héroe Mexicano. El es considerado uno de los agentes mas temidos e implacables de @profepa_mx pues por años y años ha luchado contra taladores ilegales, cazadores furtivos y contrabandistas. Ahora que fue asignado a Baja California Sur, tras una investigación exhaustiva, Saul Colin corrio al corrupto ex sub delegado de PROFEPA Antonio Jesus Diaz Rondero por traicionar a la nación, permitiendo en su falta de responsabilidad, tala ilegal de Arboles, cazadores furtivos y demás delitos contra el Planeta. Que honor tener a Saul Colin defendiendo lo que nos pertenece a todos. POR ESO LES DIGO QUE PROFEPA Y SEMARNAT HAEN UN TRABAJO INCREIBLE. Mis mas grandees respetos Saul Colin... #TheMexicoThatILove #ElMexicoQueAmo #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #BJWTunity @profepa_mx @semarnat_mx

blackjaguarwhitetigerさん(@blackjaguarwhitetiger)が投稿した動画 -

Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月26日 06時27分

I told you several months ago that this guy, Saul Colin, is a Mexican Hero. He is known to be as one of the most implacable officers for @profepa_mx Criminals are super scared of him. He has been fighting for years and years to save our Planet and six months ago, he was transferred to Baja California, and after months of investigation he fired the second in command of the state, a guy called Antonio Jesus Diaz Rondero, for being a lazy liar good for nothing trickster that compromised the safety of our Planet. Including faking to patrol areas letting poachers roam freely and also allowing ilegal deforestation of the state. This is why I tell you that @profepa_mx and @semarnat_mx do an incredible job defending our heritage. You have all my respect Saul Colin. Thank you...
Les dije hace varios meses que Saul Colin era un héroe Mexicano. El es considerado uno de los agentes mas temidos e implacables de @profepa_mx pues por años y años ha luchado contra taladores ilegales, cazadores furtivos y contrabandistas. Ahora que fue asignado a Baja California Sur, tras una investigación exhaustiva, Saul Colin corrio al corrupto ex sub delegado de PROFEPA Antonio Jesus Diaz Rondero por traicionar a la nación, permitiendo en su falta de responsabilidad, tala ilegal de Arboles, cazadores furtivos y demás delitos contra el Planeta. Que honor tener a Saul Colin defendiendo lo que nos pertenece a todos. POR ESO LES DIGO QUE PROFEPA Y SEMARNAT HAEN UN TRABAJO INCREIBLE. Mis mas grandees respetos Saul Colin...
#TheMexicoThatILove #ElMexicoQueAmo #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #BJWTunity @profepa_mx @semarnat_mx


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