Your Teaのインスタグラム(yourtea) - 5月25日 09時59分

Party animal? Tea lover? Creature of the night? ? This Gift Box of ours was made for you... Because every great night needs a beginning, an end and a whole lot in between. Fortunately, this mix of teas will rev you up, imprint a twinkle in your eye and wind you down. You're welcome. Let's go. ⚡️
This box includes:
☀️ Happy Tea - to put a smile on your dial & spring in your step
? Sex Tea - to balance libido & kidney function
⚡️ Energy Tea - to keep you going all day or night
? Hangover Tea - to recover from symptoms associated with too much alcohol, eg, dizziness, headaches, aches & pains, and loose bowels
Tag a friend who'd love this mix of teas!
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>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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