スコット・シューマンのインスタグラム(thesartorialist) - 5月19日 02時12分

I rarely ever shoot people with my phone but yesterday morning in Florence while I was running I saw this gentleman and just had to try! I think he was genuinely tickled by the Sight of an American tourist decked out in Nike running gear and telling him he was "Molto Elegante" and taking a photo of him! (I hope to shoot him again with my real camera)
Thanks @オフィチーネ パネライ for putting me In Florence to see this elegant man! Any of my Florence friends recognize him? (And if so why didn't you tell me about him before ?) #GoodThingsHappenWhenYouRun
#committosomething @equinox


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Chivas Regalのインスタグラム
Chivas Regalさんがフォロー
