thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 5月7日 22時17分

34°27’| S 20°43’ E
The Southern Milky Way over De Hoop Reserve, South Africa
Photo by @salvarezphoto (Stephen Alvarez)

I’ve long been fascinated by the night sky. The first time I saw the Southern Cross on a trip to Peru I was hooked on what they darkness in the Southern Hemisphere looked like and I find myself photographing it again and again. Nowhere on earth have a seen a nights like we had camped out at De Hoop. Sky so dark and free of light pollution that they milky way seemed to be a thing you could touch.
This picture has nothing do do with they story that @ナショナルジオグラフィック sent me to South Africa cover. But sometimes –not very often- there are a few spare moments on assignment to shoot something just for me.
#milkyway #SouthAfrica


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