リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 4月30日 12時35分

I receive many visitors, but yesterday’s visitor gave me special pleasure - Minister-President of Saxony Stanislaw Tillich. In February last year I visited Dresden, the state capital of Saxony. Mr Tillich was a most gracious host, and we got on very well. So I was glad to reciprocate his warm hospitality and catch up with him.
We talked about many things under the sun. I was interested in his views on the immigration situation in Europe. We are Germany’s largest trading partner in ASEAN, and we do a lot with Saxony, including in education and business. The @singapore_symphony_orchestra is about to perform in Dresden next month. Hope to do more together and deepen our friendship. – LHL (MCI Photo by Terence Tan)


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