ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月27日 02時16分

Women’s sports programs in Afghanistan have long been a favorite of Western donors — including the American government, which spends $1.5 million a year on coeducational sports programs. But with few exceptions, the programs have become riddled with corruption and undermined by conservative Afghans who don’t like the idea of young women on sports fields. Even the relatively few encouraging stories, like women’s #taekwondo, which maysend an Afghan woman to @リオ五輪2016, are at best qualified successes. Afghanistan’s strongest hope for a female taekwondo medalist, Somaya Ghulami, actually lives in Iran. “Fortunately, I have a liberal family that does support me,” said Somaya, 23, who commutes to practices in Kabul. @adamfergusonphoto photographed Somaya during a recent training session.


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