Swedish Cat Mafiaのインスタグラム(sus_w) - 4月26日 21時24分

@katia_nicolas invited us to #5catfacts. Up next; Zimba
1. I was born in November 1999.
I was found in a stable. My birthmom didn't want me. Long story short; I ended up in my perfect home.
2. I looooove to be brushed. At least twice a day. But I prefer 3 or 4 or more. I tell my humans when it's time.
3. My favorite thing to do is play "Catch Me" with Fnatte. It goes like this; I'm running around, he is trying to catch me. Then I'm running through the cat door out on the patio. Since I'm half the size of Fnatte I'm out within seconds. While Fnatte.. hmm... he struggles a bit. (AND WE HAVE A DOOR FOR SMALL DOGS!!!). I win all the time. I laugh all the time.
4. I have a "signature-walk". It goes something like this; BOOM BOOM BOOM! I might be the smallest cat in the household. But my footsteps sounds like an elephants.
5. In 2014 we found out that I have stage 3 kidney disease (4 being the worse). This is a disease that is progressive therefore not curable. The only thing we can do is try slow down the progression. I was in BAD shape. But we have worked very very hard. I wasn't ready to give up. I am a fighter. And I love life.
My tests are still stable. Which is AMAZING!! I have gained weight. I don't even remember when they had to handfeed me. I have a great appetite. And so is my mood. I'm an indoorcat who takes daily walks in a leash. I love my life. I am happy❤


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