SQUAD CATS +65のインスタグラム(cora13cats) - 4月26日 13時22分

Princesses Daisy and Zoey just chillin'! ????? (If you watched the Zoey's Care episode videos on YouTube, you might remember that these two were introduced and still seem to be getting along fine - yay.) ?UPDATE: Zoey is still on her extended course of (steroids) Prednisolone and (antibiotics) Cephaxeline. She continues to look good - no more drooling or anything of the sort, and her appetite seems to be growing by the day! I hope this really is a good sign and the vet review on May 3 will bring good news - gums less/no longer inflamed and the mass in her mouth is even smaller so she won't need a biopsy.
THANK MEW so much everyone for your support and love... and please keep those good thoughts, prayers and positive vibes coming because they're working!! ❤️❤️❤️ Love from,
CL, Zoey and Daisy!


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