パワーハウスミュージアムのインスタグラム(powerhousemuseum) - 4月22日 13時18分

Hey there Friday. ?This image depicts a temporary structure named the Federal Bar run by Fred Brunwin of the Alamada Hotel, Kent and Margaret Streets Sydney', depicting group of men and one woman and one child outside a stand selling alcohol and advertising Resch's Brewery and Dewar's Imperial Whiskey, possibly at the New South Wales Royal Easter Show. This is a positive of a rectangular black and white silver gelatin glass plate negative in landscape format. #POTD #MAAScollection #ClydeEngineering #FederalBar #AlamadaHotel #Reschs #Dewar
Object statement
Photographic glass plate negative, Federal Bar run by Fred Brunwin of the Alamada Hotel, Clyde Engineering Pty Ltd, Australia, 1900-1920

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