カテリーナ・グレアムのインスタグラム(katgraham) - 4月22日 09時36分

Today the world lost a legend, but I lost my friend... I'm still waiting for him to call me and joke "so have you watched the news today?" But that call's not coming and I'm not sure how to pull myself back together and keep it that way. I've never dealt with a loss like this. He taught me so much. So much about myself, about spirituality, about the industry, about the world. One thing people don't know about him is how incredibly funny he was. He would make me laugh so hard I would be rolling on the ground. I'm honored to say I knew him. I knew him well, and he was as brilliant iconic and prolific as you could imagine. I hope I can continue to make him proud and raise the consciousness of the world like he did, like he expected me to. I loved him so much. He would've said to me, "Katerina, why are you crying? I got to go home early!" I love you Prince Nelson. And I miss you terribly. *Tiny dance moves*


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