ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月12日 15時58分

The Presidio, San Francisco, California, 2015 by @simoncroberts. The photograph is one of several I have featured in the April 2016 issue of the magazine alongside the story 'How Urban Parks Are Bringing Nature Closer To Home' by Ken Otterbourg.
Strategically located at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, the Presidio park was a military outpost for 218 years. Unlike other parks in the US national system, it receives no federal money. Most revenue comes from renting out former military buildings. Here, sunset and low tide lure walkers to Marshall’s Beach, which offers extensive views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Until the mid 1600s urban parks were private; the exclusive domain of wealthy families and royalty. Today urban parks are increasingly being created from reclaimed lands in and around cities. Viewed as essential to the wellbeing of residents and as an effective way to promote economic development, they represent a new imaginative era of experimentation. #urbanparks


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