Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 4月11日 00時55分

Achilles & Khloe...
The second floor of Stage 1 has 4 rooms: 1 mine, 1 where Uncle Monkey is staying, another one belongs to Achilles and the fourth one is Buttercup and Iñigo's. Well, last night we left Achilles sleep on the hallway, and all night long he went rolling from door to door like a Girl Scout selling cookies. Did you ever see Dave Chappelle's episode with Rick James? If you did, imagine Achilles kicking our doors all night long just like Rick James stepped on Eddie Murphy's couch. All night long. Now, if you haven't seen it, search in YouTube for "Dave Chappelle Rick James", you'll thank me :) Achilles is doing better, I think that this coming week he'll be able to stand up :)
Pues deje dormir a Achilles fuera de su cuarto en el vestíbulo y toda la noche bailando el Jarabe Tapatío de puerta en puerta. Está a punto de levantarse, yo creo que lo logra la sig semana...
#ThinkBlue #AchillesBJWT #babykhloebjwt #SaveTigers #SaveOurPlanet #behuman #NotPets #NOSONMASCOTAS #blackjaguarwhitetiger #RescuedTigers #NotPets #NotPets #NotPets #NotPets


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