I’ve been vegetarian for 16 years. I’ve gone off and on with being vegan. Right now I’m 95% vegan, with the 5% grace for YOLO moments like a birthday cake or a cup of chai in India. Maybe one day the YOLO moments will be like the amazing raw vegan ice cream that was on my Snapchat yesterday? I’ve seen free roaming loved cows in India that are treated like part of the family and never slaughtered. I’ve read countless stories about rescued cows that act like pets. Cows like to be scratched, they moo when their owners come home and they even sneak up on the couch likes dogs. I don’t have all the answers, thats for sure. And I’m not here to tell you what to do. Instead, here are some of facts for you to consider: 1. 21 million dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally. The veal industry would not exist without the dairy industry. 2. To keep cows lactating at maximum yields, cows are artificially and forcibly inseminated year after year. 3. Dairy cows produce less milk at 5 years of age and are then slaughtered. Cows naturally live 20+ years. Of the 9 million dairy cows in the U.S., 3 million are slaughtered for meat each year. 4. 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef. Close to 1000 gallons of water are needed for 1lb. of cheese or 1 gallon of milk. 5. Nearly half of the contiguous US is devoted to animal agriculture. 6. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. 7. Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food in the US. 8. 80% of antibiotic sold in the US are for livestock. 9. 70 billion farmed animals are reared annually worldwide. More than 6 million animals are killed for food every hour. 10. Land required to feed 1 person for 1 year: Vegan: 1/6th acre, Vegetarian: 3x as much as a vegan, Meat Eater: 18x as much as a vegan 11. 1.5 acres can produce 37,000 pounds of plant-based food. 1.5 acres can produce 375 pounds of meat. 12. Each day a person who eats vegan saves 1,100 gallons of water, 45 lbs of grain, 30 sq ft of forested land, 20 lbs CO2, and one animal’s life.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月10日 23時51分

I’ve been vegetarian for 16 years. I’ve gone off and on with being vegan. Right now I’m 95% vegan, with the 5% grace for YOLO moments like a birthday cake or a cup of chai in India. Maybe one day the YOLO moments will be like the amazing raw vegan ice cream that was on my Snapchat yesterday? I’ve seen free roaming loved cows in India that are treated like part of the family and never slaughtered. I’ve read countless stories about rescued cows that act like pets. Cows like to be scratched, they moo when their owners come home and they even sneak up on the couch likes dogs. I don’t have all the answers, thats for sure. And I’m not here to tell you what to do. Instead, here are some of facts for you to consider:

1. 21 million dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally. The veal industry would not exist without the dairy industry.

2. To keep cows lactating at maximum yields, cows are artificially and forcibly inseminated year after year.
3. Dairy cows produce less milk at 5 years of age and are then slaughtered. Cows naturally live 20+ years. Of the 9 million dairy cows in the U.S., 3 million are slaughtered for meat each year.
4. 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef. Close to 1000 gallons of water are needed for 1lb. of cheese or 1 gallon of milk.

5. Nearly half of the contiguous US is devoted to animal agriculture.
6. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.

7. Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food in the US.

8. 80% of antibiotic sold in the US are for livestock.

9. 70 billion farmed animals are reared annually worldwide. More than 6 million animals are killed for food every hour.

10. Land required to feed 1 person for 1 year: Vegan: 1/6th acre, Vegetarian: 3x as much as a vegan, Meat Eater: 18x as much as a vegan

11. 1.5 acres can produce 37,000 pounds of plant-based food. 1.5 acres can produce 375 pounds of meat.

12. Each day a person who eats vegan saves 1,100 gallons of water, 45 lbs of grain, 30 sq ft of forested land, 20 lbs CO2, and one animal’s life.

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