クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 4月3日 12時09分

When trying to take a nice walk on the beach and "venture off" onto the rocks---goes wrong!! So after a nice drive thru the mountains, buying strawberries and doing all kinds of other stuff you only see in a Tyler Perry movie--- someone thought it'd be a good idea to walk out onto the rocks that go out into the ocean. I said- I'm wearing my J's--- why not? What could go wrong???? Well.... Outta NO WHERE a TSUNAMI type rouge wave comes outta left field and totally soaks me!! Now there were about 4 of us out there who only go lightly sprayed and of course-ME- in the white JEANS and white T Shirt- suede designer bag and freshly pressed hair gets TOTALY soaked!!!! And someone (@medinadidit ) can NOT stop laughing!! Payback negro..... And I can't wait!! ???????????? and YES I cussed- you would too if you just got a face full of Pacific Ocean!!


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