ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月29日 13時01分

Thanks to a critically acclaimed (at least in the West) and relentlessly bleak Russian movie, Teriberka has an unwelcome reputation as possibly the most miserable place in Russia — a remote, frozen wasteland of drunks, brutish officials, crumbling buildings and unalloyed despair. Last year, the film, “Leviathan,” won a @ゴールデングローブ賞 award and a nomination from @アカデミー賞 for best foreign film. At first glance, much of #Teriberka looks every bit as awful as it appears in the film. But the surrounding landscape is sublimely beautiful, with frequent displays of the #NorthernLights. @sergeyponomarev photographed one such performance in February, pictured here. Visit the link in our profile to see more photos.


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