ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月26日 04時31分

In the chronicles of the #Ebola epidemic that swept through #Liberia like the plague, Gaye Dumbai is seen as a success story. Gaye, 36, is a survivor. For almost 30 days, he battled the virus, first on his own, the African way — by sitting over a pot of hot water steeped with tea leaves and covered with a blanket. When that didn’t work, Gaye spent 6 days in a local hospital waiting for a diagnosis, and then 16 days at a hospital in Monrovia. When he finally emerged, Ebola-free, he learned that he had lost 13 relatives to the epidemic. For Liberians like Gaye, one of the biggest remaining curses of the disease that ravaged the West African coast in 2014 is the punishment it inflicted on families. @samuel_aranda13 photographed Gaye with his son, Echaman, doing homework after school.

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