【My Compact Life】「捨てないくらし」佐久間 裕美子(ライター)│"Learning How to Not Waste" Yumiko Sakuma(Writer) アメリカに暮らし、ニューヨークやポートランドで起きている新しいライフスタイルを追った『ヒップな生活革命』の著者・佐久間裕美子さん。消費社会とは距離を置き、信頼のおけるモノづくりの中に、作り手と買い手の新たな関係を見出す佐久間さんに、“捨てないくらし”について教えていただきました。 5年前、大雪が降って、ニューヨークの街のゴミ収集システムが数日間麻痺した時、自分が暮らすわずか8戸しかアパートのない低層ビルの前に積み上げられたゴミを見て、呆然としたことがあります。都会に暮らす現代人たちの暮らしは、大量なゴミを出しながら生活している。そしてそのゴミの決して少なくない分量が、土に帰ることもなく、リサイクルされることもなく、ゴミとして処理されていくのです。 その時から、私の生活に、「ゴミを減らす」という課題が加わりました。処分するゴミを減らすためには、自分が購入し、所有するモノの意味をひとつひとつ考える作業が必要になってきます。ショップで手に取るモノが、本当に自分にとって必要なものなのか、必要としている機能を果たしてくれるのか、壊れないものなのか、壊れた時、修復することができるのか、飽きのこないデザインなのか、信頼できる企業やブランドが作ったものなのか、これからの生活の中で愛し続けることができるのか、以前より深く考えるようになりました。 ---------------- Author of Hip Revolution, Yumiko Sakuma lives in the US and has been tracking new lifestyles coming out of New York and Portland. Sakuma takes a step back from consumerist models and sees a new relationship emerging between producers and buyers who are looking for trustworthy manufacturing. Here she shares her thoughts on learning how not to waste. About five years ago when a snow storm paralyzed garbage collection in New York, the amount of waste that came out of my small residential building which houses only 8 families was beyond stunning. We urban dwellers live our lives while spitting out an indescribable amount of waste,and most of it just accumulates, not being recycled, not going back to the earth. Since then, it's become one of my goals to reduce waste. In order to do that, I'll have to think about the meaning of what I buy and possess. Each time I touch something at a store, I'll have to ask myself, do I really need this? Does this function in the way I need it to? Will it break? Can I fix it if or when it does? Will I become tired of it? Was this made by a trustworthy company? Can I continue loving it? I try to keep these questions on my mind more than ever before. #muji #無印良品 #storage #shelf #収納 #compactlife

muji_globalさん(@muji_global)が投稿した動画 -

無印良品のインスタグラム(muji_global) - 3月21日 22時15分

【My Compact Life】「捨てないくらし」佐久間 裕美子(ライター)│"Learning How to Not Waste" Yumiko Sakuma(Writer)
Author of Hip Revolution, Yumiko Sakuma lives in the US and has been tracking new lifestyles coming out of New York and Portland. Sakuma takes a step back from consumerist models and sees a new relationship emerging between producers and buyers who are looking for trustworthy manufacturing. Here she shares her thoughts on learning how not to waste.
About five years ago when a snow storm paralyzed garbage collection in New York, the amount of waste that came out of my small residential building which houses only 8 families was beyond stunning. We urban dwellers live our lives while spitting out an indescribable amount of waste,and most of it just accumulates, not being recycled, not going back to the earth.
Since then, it's become one of my goals to reduce waste. In order to do that, I'll have to think about the meaning of what I buy and possess. Each time I touch something at a store, I'll have to ask myself, do I really need this? Does this function in the way I need it to? Will it break? Can I fix it if or when it does? Will I become tired of it? Was this made by a trustworthy company? Can I continue loving it? I try to keep these questions on my mind more than ever before.
#muji #無印良品 #storage #shelf #収納 #compactlife


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Rintarou Asari 浅利 琳太郎のインスタグラム
Rintarou Asari 浅利 琳太郎さんがフォロー
