宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 3月19日 10時40分

This was.. Mamo-chan repeatedly hiding behind Hide.. after making Fumi take over the mic from him.. and it was so cute, my heart exploded the first time I watched it. 💘 Like really. It exploded big time. All over the floor. So my heart is no more now. Aira-chan is no more now. She's gone forever. Poof. Dead. 😂😂😂 Okay I'm still alive but oh my gosh.. how much cuter can one man get? 💖 I just want to keep him in my pocket sometimes..! 😅 And in case you'd like to know where this was from, this was a part of one of the talk breaks during 「Mamoru Miyano Live Tour 2012-13 ~Beginning!~」 ! Hehe. 😊💕 #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #mamo #マモちゃん #mamochan #声優 #seiyuu #アニメ #anime


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