musicのインスタグラム(music) - 3月11日 01時36分

To get the sound right on his upcoming album “The Party,” @andyshauf tried recording with a full band but reverted back to his tried-and-true method: doing it all himself, from guitars and drums to horns and strings. This time, at least, he had the luxury of tracking the LP in a proper studio as opposed to the basement of his parents’ Saskatchewan house, like he did with his last record. Thematically, “The Party,” which drops May 20, is a loosely connected series of vignettes about the sadder side of social gatherings. While it’s not all sunshine and roses, the album marks a change for Andy in that there’s more optimism in his lyrics. “I kept getting questions like, ‘Your songs are so sad. Are you a sad person?’ No.”
Photo by @andyshauf. Words by Dan Reilly


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