Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 3月5日 02時16分

It is always a beautiful and celebratory experience when Angels rescued from the dark side of Humanity are starting at last a beautiful new chapter in their lives. I want to thank and congratulate Rafael Pacchiano @rafaelpacchiano Secretary General of Natural Resources of Mexico @semarnat_mx , Chief Procurator Guillermo Haro from @profepa_mx and the Mexican Navy that allowed the use of its planes to relocate these Angels. My country needs more Humans like the ones I mentioned above and their groups of hard working colleagues. They have supported my Foundation a lot and they have my unbreakable support too. THIS IS THE MEXICO THAT I LOVE...
Siempre es motivo de celebración el saber que Angeles rescatados de las manos del lado obscuro de la Humanidad inician un nuevo capítulo en su vida. Gracias a @rafaelpacchiano Secretario de SEMARNAT @semarnat_mx gracias al Procurador Gulliermo Haro de @profepa_mx y a sus respectivos grupos de colegas, su servidor tiene motivo para sentirse orgulloso de su País. ESTE ES EL MÉXICO QUE AMO. TODAS NUESTRAS BENDICIONES A ESTOS ANGELITOS...
#BeHuman #SaveOurPlanet #TheMexicoThatILove #ElMexicoQueAmo #FromMexicoWithLove #blackjaguarwhitetiger


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