Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月29日 01時53分

Part 2 of 3: I brought back Blue to try to make him get closer to Ayrton since he misses Onix a lot...Happy Sunday Mornings With Ayrton AND BLUE :)Receive our Love from The Mexican Serengeti...
Parte 2 de 3: Me traje a Blue también para ver si se hace más cercano a Ayrton :)
#BabyAyrtonBJWT #SaveLions #SaveOurPlanet #BeHuman #NOTPETS #NOSONMASCOTAS #BlackJaguarWhiteTiger #AdoptedLions #AyrtonSenna #brasil #Brazil #SundayMorningsWithAyrton #OnixForever


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