Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 2月26日 13時28分

I currently weight the heaviest I’ve ever been in my entire life.
All the while, I have never loved myself so much as I do now.? My relation to gravity does not infer my beauty, simply because I made the decision years ago to embrace a love that can never be quantified.
I rest my worth on greater grounds, cultivated on the basis of self-love.
And this foundation is far from abstract. I build this home each and everyday on the loving intents I express towards myself. In my words, my actions, and the thoughts I choose to entertain.
Our roots stem from loving who we are, unapologetically, unconditionally, and with whole-hearted intent. As we thrive, our flowers grow with brilliance.
May you remind yourself of this, each and everyday.
Start with your roots, and watch your garden grow?? #SelfLove #BeautyInStrength #FightForGrowth


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