メーガン・ネイのインスタグラム(iammeagennay) - 2月25日 13時44分

I'm tired of being asked if I have a plan.

I'm tired of being made to feel inferior because I decide to do things not purely for how they will further my career or what they will do to boost my career. Society seems so focused on success being quantified by what job you have, or how much you earn, that it is apparently inconceivable that an individual could do something purely for their own spiritual or intellectual furtherment, for the sake of feeling personally enriched or even just for their own enjoyment. I'm tired of people asking me where I see myself in 10 years when, instead, they could be asking 'what sort of person do see yourself as in 10 years?' When did happiness and selflessness become too little for us to measure ourselves in as human beings.?????????? 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💗 #beYOU Big Ups to the "I'm Tired project" 👊🏼


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