ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 2月18日 04時01分

"The inequity that we experience as black Americans, especially when it comes to being arrested. Iowa has a really high rate of black young men incarcerated. We need to do something about that. I believe that Hillary will. And I believe that she has the right approach to fixing this, because it is a complicated issue. You can’t right this wrong in a year. It didn’t take a year for this to happen, and it’s going to take some time for us to straighten it out correctly. These are complex issues, and I like that she is a person who sees all parts of the problem and tries to work on each one. That means a lot to me." –Marg, on why she voted for Hillary in Iowa.

Link in bio for more stories behind the votes.


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