アビゲイル・ブレスリンのインスタグラム(abbienormal9) - 2月2日 12時37分

Dear the person who sent one of my best friends this,

If you have nothing better to do than to harass one of the kindest and most generous and loyal + GORGEOUS people I've ever met in my life, then I suggest you find a hobby that includes something more productive than tearing apart someone you have never met. Luckily, @missjackson9175 is a really strong and wonderful person who lets disgusting and untrue comments such as these roll off her back with grace. However, there are many people out there who aren't able to let these hateful things go as easily, and you could be causing them years of emotional scarring and self esteem issues and that is not a joke OR a sign of being weak. I sincerely hope for your sake you realize how damaging your cyber bullying can potentially be, because it doesn't make you look cool it makes you look even more insecure than you are trying to make your victims feel. That is all. And @missjackson9175 I love you.


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Jack Baranのインスタグラム
Jack Baranさんがフォロー
