ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月24日 12時31分

Photo by @edkashi/@viiphoto: Tourists explore the ruins of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes in October, 1999. These pictures were made on a journey through Peru's natural and man-made wonders just before the turn of the century.

Climate Change is altering the world's weather patterns. Droughts and storms are becoming both more frequent and more pronounced in countries around the world, and Peru is no exception. In recent years the area that is home to Macchu Picchu has experienced more rain, more intense droughts and more dramatic shifts from one to the other. Increased rainfall can lead to landslides, a real danger in a region dominated by steep slopes and sheer cliffs. Furthermore, the melting of the nearby Salcantaye glacier has the potential to radically change the water supply in the region, which could in turn have devastating effects on plant and wildlife species in and around Macchu Picchu. This ancient Inca site is one of so many places in the world being threatened by the changing climate. #climatechange @everydayclimatechange #actonclimate #climatechangeisreal #globalwarming #savemacchupicchu


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