カリーヌ・ヴァナッスのインスタグラム(karinevanasse) - 1月19日 22時07分

" - C’est comme pour la fleur. Si tu aimes une fleur qui se trouve dans une étoile, c’est doux, la nuit, de regarder le ciel. Toutes les étoiles sont fleuries." - Le Petit Prince // Leaving the lights of LA behind. The ones that I hold on to dearly, the ones that make me feel at home here. ? In a city where you would think that relationships can't be built easily, i am amazed and touched to see how the friendships I have here have remained over the years. These dear collegues who became true friends... I see and feel their desire to receive and share authenticity and their quest for it in a world that doesn't always prioritize it. I am grateful for every single one of them.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



