ケビン・ハートのインスタグラム(kevinhart4real) - 1月12日 22時17分

Wow....Such an amazing and memorable moment for me. Here is why....Will Smith is what I refer to as a "Philly Hero"....This man motivated the shit out of me. The reason why is because he did the things that no other actor would do, he traveled the world doing all kinds of relentless promotion for all of his projects....He went to places that other actors & actresses turned their noses up to....He shook hands and expressed how much he appreciated all of his supporters all over the world & he later became the INTERNATIONAL SUPER STAR that he is now....But I love that he did it with nothing but hard work and dedication and determination. Thanks for laying down the blueprint for me man...I'm honestly following in your footsteps and trying to make my city just as proud of me as they are for you!!!! The first thing he said to me when we arrived was "Lets go say what's up to the fans" I live for these moments and for me this was a great one!!!!! #CrazyHowLifeWorks


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