トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 1月6日 17時21分

I think of lot of people take themselves too seriously in life and it's not good for your health, the stress, anger and resentment can eat you alive and put you in the ground early. Over the years I've come to realise that you have to lighten up to make it through, on the worst day possible when everything's going wrong and all hope is seemingly lost just throw your hands up in the air, chuck your head back and laugh. My life is simply organised chaos as I bunny hop from one emergency to the next but I do it with a smile on my face and that's what makes it worth it. Spread love, peace and joy, be kind to others and lighten up, you'll be a whole happier person for it trust me! This is my lighten up face, I'm using the power of one eye to zoom in whilst I'm casually drinking air ????? (I love it that you're all like ? right now ?????) #love #peace #namaste #chill #chillax #relax #lightenup #enjoy #smile #fun #funny #destress #stress #anger #angry #hungry #tired #bored #sleepy #lazy #shakeup #wakeup #laugh #jokes #pout #squint #joker #clown #makelove #worldpeace


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