サミー・ハンラティのインスタグラム(sammihanratty) - 1月2日 05時22分

2015 was the best year of my life! My word for the year would be preparation. I feel like God was preparing me all year. This is the year I started loving myself, I stopped drinking, I discovered my worth, I fell and got back up...a lot, I removed myself from toxic friends, I surrounded myself with people who lift me up and constantly remind me of the person I am, I have forgiven people (truly forgiven) and so many other things I'm so proud of! Now this year in 2016, my word is Acceptance. When beautiful and wonderful things come my way I'm going to accept them graciously! When someone comes into my life and compliments me, I'm going to say thank you and accept that kindness! For so long someone would compliment me or just say something nice and my comment back would always be "no, that's not true but thanks", "ew no I look awful, you don't mean that", or "stop you don't have to say that" but this year there is none of that! I'm going to accept the good and beauty people are putting into my life and thank them for the kind words! I guess before I just didn't think I was worth kind words or good things to happen to me. This year though...I'm accepting it all into my life because I am worth it❤️ What is your word of 2016?


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