トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 12月26日 17時41分

Tip toeing around the house this morning picking up bottles, glasses, wrapping paper and crumbs from yesterday's festivities. I hope you all had a wonderful day with your loved ones my darlings, we all have such high expectations for luxury and opulence and expensive gifts that are impossible to achieve or exist. Never be disappointed by a kind gesture, never be ungrateful for a gift someone has given that has taken hours of their working life to earn. Instead be thankful that they love you enough to spend their time with you. The sooner you stop expecting things of others the more pleasantly surprised you will be ??????? #happy hangover #boxingday #boxingdaysales #christmas #christmas2015 #christmastime #christmasparty #love #peace #namaste #family #celebratemagical #special #laugh #drink #merry #happy #smile #girl #son #daughter #children #parents #grandparents #special #cherish #memory #together #forever #minniemouse #minnie #mouse


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




