ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月8日 13時33分

It all started with an email, which told its recipients to meet at an intersection in the industrial wilds of #LongIslandCity, Queens. From there, they were instructed by text to follow a yellow painted line. They had been summoned to an elevated rail line, no longer in use, where Jackpin II, an ephemeral — and exclusive — speakeasy made its temporary home. For 5 nights in late November, around 180 people visited in groups of 20. The secret watering hole, which was located inside a 20-foot-long shipping container, is now gone. But the decommissioned rail line remains, and its owner is trying to figure out what to do with it. @benjaminnorman followed 2 guests in November as they made their way to the short-lived speakeasy.


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