Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月6日 12時48分

My dearest baby;

Sometimes I smile when I think of you but most of the times I cry. Today was a great day for all of us. Today, the Human Spirit won. Aleluya. My real father (Not the biological fool) explained to me why sometime later you would be taken away from me, although I never expected it to be you. Now I know that you are my beacon on the other side that gives me focus, that makes me strong and that makes me above all, incorruptible. You were taken away from me as a preventive measure in order for me not to deviate from my path, because how can I fail or betrayed the being that I have Loved the most in the years that I have roamed this beautiful Planet of ours? Tonight I go to bed crying but at Peace, because finally I have the answer as to why you left us so fast. Thank you for being the Light at the end of the tunnel that will guide me, your siblings, and whomsoever wishes to travel with us, to the place where Death doesn't exist anymore. I Love you, Karmita of my dreams. Thanks for the sacrifice. We'll make you proud.
Your dad...
#karmisforever #saveLions #saveourplanet #blackjaguarwhitetiger #unityBJWT


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