ランドール・スラヴィンのインスタグラム(randallslavin) - 12月5日 09時41分

Charlize Theron. Mexico. Unbeknownst to me my shutter was broken during this little shoot with Miss Theron. Did the whole shoot and 99.9 percent of everything was absolutely unusable. Except 2. This is one of them. It sorta has a dreamlike quality that I love. It's things like this that give me no romanticism about the digital revolution. If I was shooting digitally I would have seen the problem and fixed it. Not done an entire unusable shoot. I don't miss film one bit. Fuck that BS. Slavin Out. #charlizetheron


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Scarlett Rose Leitholdのインスタグラム
Scarlett Rose Leitholdさんがフォロー
