Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月4日 01時59分

I never showed you the pics and videos of the Champ @ルイス・ハミルトン with Beverly and Enzo. Haters: Kiss my Mexican butt. The Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation has created more awareness and Love for the Planet in one year than the fools inventing lies about us in their 20 years of existence. Don't be jealous because my Kids look way happier than yours in your high security prison. You accuse me of breeding animals, I don't know if you are plain stupid or simply professional liars. Can't you tell that my kids have not yet reached sexual maturity? I just laugh at your nonsensical accusations while my Foundation continues to grow. Again, just like in the case of the Champ, watch us speed away while you still maintain your prehistoric methods. I belong to the future, sad for the Animals under your supervision that you belong to the past...
@ルイス・ハミルトン #teamLH #babybeverlyBJWT #saveLions #saveourplanet #behuman #notpets #nosonmascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger #rescuedLions


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