ジョー・キンダーのインスタグラム(joekinder) - 11月29日 07時24分

Well hot damn!!!! I'm really looking forward to joining my @blackdiamond team in Spain this Monday. It's not just a climbing trip this time, it's an effort to clean, rebolt, educate others and care for the areas that I love in Spain. This pretty huge to me.
Spreading awareness to a culture that has very different principles when it comes to ?-ing outside is a big effort. Black Diamond has donated port-a-potties to Siurana. Yes!!!!!! Also, they've hauled out truck loads of trash. YESSSS!!!! And today they will rebolt routes from the 80's. Proud guys!!!!! It really does feel good to give back to what makes us so happy. #projectsiurana #liveclimbrepeat


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