ヨルグ・バーホーベンのインスタグラム(jorgverhoeven) - 11月25日 15時48分

So @カタリーナ・ザーヴァイン and I have on the road for about 5 months now, and we're starting to annoy each other... No just kidding, I don't know how she copes with me every day, but this trip has been very very cool so far. It's always quite the relationship test, spending each minute every day together, but it seems like it's working out quite well :)
Thanks to @jonglassberg for not getting too sick of us, while spending 3 weeks in Aussie together, shooting photos and footage for an amazing video coming out this winter!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



