Dazed Magazineのインスタグラム(dazed) - 11月17日 19時57分

"This is a genuine fear of mine. I think people hate me. That’s just what goes on in my head. And all I want to do is be liked" - #ShiaLaBeouf
For his latest project, Hollywood actor-turned-performance art provocateur Shia LaBeouf @thecampaignbook rented out a small cinema in New York for a 72-hour, 29-film movie marathon. Of his own movies. Throughout the three-day long project, LaBeouf laughed, slept, clapped, cheered, buried his face in his hands, ate popcorn and ate pizza, sparking a thousand memes in the process. While some naysayers and art snobs predictably scoffed at the idea, the performance was thought-provoking in the way it allowed for an interaction with the artist, and spoke about the nature of human collectivity and connection. The day after #ALLMYMOVIES drew to a close, LaBeouf and his two collaborators Rönkkö & Turner were joined by @newhive co-founder and CEO Zach Verdin to reflect on the event.
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Words @ted_stansfield #dazedinstastory


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