ナタリー・スアレスのインスタグラム(natalieoffduty) - 11月16日 23時51分

PRESS PLAY on NATALIEOFFDUTY.COM ?| This song, Heavy, is a little bittersweet song I wrote about constantly being on the go. As a @reef_girls ambassador we’re always #JustPassingThrough. We’re always moving. Whether it be digging our feet in the sand of an untouched island, or discovering the culture and food in a foreign country. . Though it’s exciting and exhilarating, traveling can be a bit emotional. Missing home and familiar faces. Getting lost in your own head when you are walking down new streets alone. That heaviness in your heart when something new takes your breath away from you. This song is a little bit of a moody, breathy note to end this beautiful, fortunate year. #JustPassingThrough is just part of the journey. Leaving your mark. The ability to be unforgettable wherever you go. There’s so much more that comes with it. Recognizing your roots and where you belong. But also recognizing all the different places you can go to or someday belong to, as well. @reef_usa

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