クリスティナ・バザンのインスタグラム(kristinabazan) - 11月15日 03時22分

Woke up this morning with so many thoughts on my mind. And even though what happened yesterday is terrifying, even though so many lost their lives, the best thing we can do is unite and fight back. What I mean by fighting back, is by not letting all of this scare us. Fear and terror is excatly what leads us to irrational behaviours and especially to wrong decisions. Violence won't solve violence. Let's stay rational, aware and careful. What we hear and see is only the tip of the iceberg but the issue itself is so much more profoud, and to be able to heal this wound in humanity, it will not only take prayers, but also intelligence, objectivity and awareness in order to be able to react accordingly and prevent such events to happen again. All the luck to the autorities. And all the luck to the world. This should not control us, pull us down and in any case break us. Sending you only love and good vibes guys. It's a hard time, and it's an important time to prove our solidarity. #SpreadTheLove


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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
Angelina Boykoさんがフォロー
