Dazed Magazineのインスタグラム(dazed) - 11月5日 01時55分

Has Instagram become the ultimate tool for body shaming?
For as long as @Instagram has been around people have been pushing the limits of its guidelines; some are pushing for the sake of it but others are pushing for progression. Earlier this week, Seattle-based photographer Ashley Armitage (aka @ladyist) posted a photo of a friend from the waist down, wearing dark blue bikini bottoms. To some, the picture harked back to warmer months, to others, it was the ultimate sin, the unshaven pubic region of a woman’s body. At the click of a "Share ->" button, Armitage opened the floodgates and let the body shamers in.
“My intention behind posting the photo was to educate. I want to get more representations out there to show that women have a choice. Shaving or not shaving has nothing to do with our self-worth. We shouldn't get shamed if we decide to grow our hair out,” explains Armitage on her intention behind posting the image. “I honestly couldn't believe some of the comments I was getting. Both guys and girls were calling my friend a slut, a whore, dirty, unhygienic, disgusting, and gross, just for having body hair.” – words @ashleighkane #dazedinstastory

Read the full article now at dazeddigital.com [link in bio] ? @ladyist


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